Addresses of Important authorities constituted under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act 1960 as on Dt. 23-11-2022

Under the Chief Minister of Maharashtra State Shri. Eknath Sambhaji. Shinde.

The following are the related authorities constituted for looking after the affairs of Co-operation Department.

Courtesy by Adv. R. P. Rathod.


Atul Moreshwar Save.
Room No 552 (Main),
5th Floor, Mantralaya, Mumbai.
Telephone No : 22843657


Maharashtra State
(Shri. Anil. Kawade.)
2nd Floor, New Central Building,
Ambedkar Wellesly Road, Station Road,
Pune, Maharashtra - 411 001.
Tel: 020-2612 2500, 020-2612 2739
Tel: 020-2612 9572; 020-26122846; 020 26122847 
Fax: 020-2613 3082


Maharashtra State.
(Shri. Dr. Anand Jogdand.)
New Central Building,
Ambedkar Wellesly Road, Station Road,
Pune, Maharashtra - 411 001.
Tel: 020-26128979/ 26122846/ 47.


Co-operative Societies Department. Pune,
Sakhar Sankul Building.,
Pune, Maharashtra – 411 005.

The Deputy/ Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Mumbai, Thane, Kokan Bhavan & Kalyan, etc.

(The Office of the Assistant Registrar and Deputy Registrars of different wards is situated at different places. To know their address, area and jurisdiction. Please click link: Address & Jurisdiction of Deputy/ Assistant Registrar Co-operative Societies)


Hon’ble Shrimati. Abha. Shukla (IAS)
7th Floor, Administrative Bldg,
Mantralaya, Mumbai – 400 020.

-      Compiled by Adv. R. P. Rathod.